2024 Mutt Strut 5K Sponsorship Opportunities
Step #1: Read the Letter
Presenting Sponsor $2,000
- Business name printed on all medal ribbons and flyers.
- Business logo prominently displayed on the back of event t-shirts with “presented by” in the target print.
- Business name printed on banners displayed near major highways and well-traveled intersections.
- Business name or logo prominently displayed or mentioned as presenting sponsor in all advertising for the event, including social media, website, e-newsletters, and press releases.
- Acknowledgements and thanks during the event and on social media.
- Recognition on Mutt Strut 5k and Race Roster websites with logo and all social media platforms.
- 4 complimentary race entries.
Platinum Sponsor $1,000
- Business logo prominently displayed in large print under Platinum Sponsor on event flyers.
- Business logo prominently displayed on the back of event t-shirts.
- Business name or logo in all advertising for the event including social media, website, e-newsletters and press releases.
Acknowledgements and thanks during the event and on social media. - Recognition on Mutt Strut 5k and Race Roster websites with logo and all social media platforms.
- 3 complimentary race entries.
Gold Sponsor $500
- Business logo prominently displayed in large print under Gold Sponsor on event flyers.
- Business logo prominently displayed under Gold Sponsor on the back of event t-shirts.
- Business name or logo in all advertising for the event, including social media, website, e-newsletters, and press releases.
- Acknowledgments and thanks during the event and on social media.
- Recognition on Mutt Strut 5k and Race Roster websites with logo and all social media platforms.
- 2 complimentary race entries
Silver Level Sponsor $250
- Business logo prominently displayed under Silver Sponsor on event flyers.
- Business logo prominently displayed under Silver Sponsor on the back of event t-shirts.
- Business name or logo in all advertising for the event including social media, website, e-newsletters and press releases.
- Acknowledgments and thanks during the event and on social media.
- Recognition on Mutt Strut 5k and Race Roster websites with logo and all social media platforms.
- 1 Complimentary race entry.
Bronze Level Sponsor $100
- Acknowledgments and thanks during the event and on social media.
- Recognition on Mutt Strut 5k and Race Roster websites with logo and all social media platforms.
All sponsor levels are invited to set up a booth onsite on race day. We encourage you to furnish business cards, coupons, samples, and promotional merchandise by October 10th to be included in participant’s race bags.
Step #1: Read the Letter