Virtual Race Instructions

  1. Registration Info to Come
  2. download the ASCICS RunKeeper App
  3. Register for an ASICS RunKeeper Account (if you do not already have one)
  4. Sign in to ASCICS RunKeeper App
  5. You will automatically be directed to the Mutt Strut 5k Virtual Start button unless you have registered for multiple events virtually, then you will choose Mutt Strut 5k from the list.
  6. Click start Virtual Run to begin your race
  7. Once the distance is complete, notes and pictures can be added and click Submit.
  8. Results are automatically submitted for you.
  9. You will receive a confirmation email with a link to the results page
  10. You can download a finishers certificate from the results page
  11. An email reminder with the link for the race will be sent out prior to the event.